Current Programs
Deacon Emily leads a lectionary Bible study in the library between our Sunday morning services. Come and add your voice to our conversation, reflecting on one of the readings of the week and how it relates to our lives.
Past Programs
Three Sundays in October, 2022

Angels & Demons
Rev. Dr. Clair McPherson
Oct. 9, 23, and 30
Sunday Mornings at 9:30 a.m. Newton Community Room
Looking at the Greek and Roman pantheon of gods, Prof. McPherson will explore the notion of angels and demons and how they informed the development of Christianity.
The Rev. Dr. Clair McPherson is a retired professor of Ascetical Theology at the General Seminary in New York. “Mac” and his wife, Connie, have retired to Poughkeepsie and we are delighted to have him teach adult education at Christ Church

Fall 2021 Sessions
The Society of St. Francis
Was St. Francis Episcopalian? Introduction to Francis, Franciscanism, and the Society of St. Francis (10/6)
Christ Centered Life: Incarnational Living (10/13)
Matter Matters: Creation and Community (10/20)
The Three Knots: The Franciscan Vows (10/27)