Christ Episcopal Church Poughkeepsie

Celebrating over 250 years of Service and Worship

Holy Week at Christ Episcopal Church

From Rev. Susan: 
I believe that the meaning of Holy Week and joy of Easter are proportional to the effort that you spend contemplating their mystery.  For me, every year becomes a chance to look closely at the issues that I find most personally and corporately disturbing.  COVID lockdowns, gun violence, systemic racism, the political landscape of America, global warming  — these have all been deeply troubling to me and can leave me feeling depressed and frustrated.    
The rhythm of Holy Week gives us an insight into the way that God works in this world.  Sometimes when we feel farthest from an answer, we are actually closer than we think.  The world gets darkest before the light is brightest.  These are the lessons that I need to learn again and again.  These are the lessons that I find embedded in the liturgies of Holy Week. 

Holy Wednesday - April 5
Agape Meal at 6 pm

We have a simple supper in the Community Room of chicken, rice, and salad followed by communion — we pass bread and wine around the table.  This service remembers the Last Supper, the events that technically belong to Maundy Thursday.  It is an agape meal.  It lasts a little more than an hour.

Maundy Thursday - April 6
Worship Service at 7:00 pm

Please check the Sunday bulletin or weekly e-News for details regarding the Agape Meal. 

This service remembers the night before Jesus died.  It begins after Jesus’ Passover dinner with friends and includes the commandment to his followers:  Love one another as I have loved you. 
We offer foot-washing, because Jesus washed his disciple’s feet that night.  We share communion. 
At the end of the service, we read about Jesus’ betrayal by Judas and arrest by the Roman soldiers. 
After Communion, members of the vestry strip the altar, preparing us for the darkness and quiet that follows

Good Friday Services
April 7 at 12:00 & 7:00 pm

This service recalls the trial and execution of Jesus.  The church is stripped bare.  There are no candles, no altar hangings, etc.  There is no celebration of the eucharist, we receive sacrament that has been reserved from the night before.  We cancel all meetings at church that day.  We ask for people to refrain from talking, except when absolutely necessary in the church building. 
The service lasts approximately 45 minutes.  Small children are discouraged from coming to these services.
Good Friday is the day in which we re-experience the death of Jesus on the cross.  The service at noon time is especially stark, without a choir. The evening service includes the singing of the Reproaches. 

Good Friday 1-3 pm - Newton Common Room
A Viewing of the Service of Apology for the Sin of Slavery

A special viewing of the Service of Apology for the Sin of Slavery (March 25, Cathedral St. John the Divine) featuring words from the Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, The Rt. Rev. Andy Dietsche, and Bishop-Elect Matt Heyd.  Music, Readings, and Liturgy designed by the Reparations Committee which includes Rev. Chuck Kramer and Rev. Richard Witt.  This viewing is welcome to all.  You may bring beverages or a snack but none will be provided.

The Great Vigil of Easter Saturday, April 8 at 8:00 pm

The Easter Vigil is the service at Jesus’ tomb.  It begins in darkness outside when the new light of Easter is kindled in a fire on the lawn.  The congregation brings the light into the darkened church with a cantor chanting “The Light of Christ” and the congregation responds “Thanks be to God.”  We hear the readings of God’s saving works from scripture.  The choir sings in dankness.  We renew our baptismal vows in the darkened church.  The first Easter celebration happens in that service, when the lights come on and the announcement is made:  “Alleluia!  Christ is Risen” and the congregation responds, “The Lord is Risen indeed, Alleluia!”
This service lasts between an hour and a half and two hours.  It is followed by a reception in the church featuring foods that you may have given up for Lent — chocolate, wine, cheese.  It is a magical service, that moves us from the darkness of Good Friday to the joy of Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday Festive Eucharist April 9 at 8:30 & 10:30 am

Easter Sunday is always glorious at Christ Church!  This year we offer a spoken Easter service at 8:30 am for those who prefer a more contemplative, but still joyful service. 
At 10:30 we will have glorious music, flowers, a celebratory Eucharist for all,  a festive coffee hour, and perhaps even an Easter bunny!!  Please encourage your friends and neighbors to join in the celebration.