Christ Episcopal Church Poughkeepsie

Celebrating over 250 years of Service and Worship


Sunday Worship Services

During the regular school year, Christ Church offers a variety of worship options. 

The historic sanctuary is the gathering space for  in-person Sunday services  at 8:30 and  10:30 am.  

The direct link to this week’s online liturgy and service booklet is on our Sunday Online Worship  page. Available at 10:30 am each Sunday (9:30 in July and August), this will be the service of choice for many. 

No matter how you choose to worship at Christ Church, our worship retains its unique combination of spoken prayers, stirring sermons, and inspirational music.  You will enjoy the musical talents of our organist, choir, and guest instrumentalists through the online worship, but can also appreciate the meditative instrumental solos offered at the in-person service.  

Grounded in the strong roots of the Book of Common Prayer, our worship life aspires to be grace-filled, welcoming, and inspiring. Scripture is read, prayers are offered, bread is broken.  While many would describe our worship as traditional – it is also actively celebratory.

We invite you to join us from wherever you are.